Start Working Out At Home

4 ideas to start your home workouts (Photo: Christopher Edwin Nuzzaco/Shutterstock)

Summer is fast approaching, and we all want one thing – to look our absolute best. For those of us who don’t want to spend a ton of cash on a gym membership, or just don’t have the time to trek back and forth to the gym, working out at home may be the answer.

Don’t think you can do it? Think again. Here are four simple ideas to help get you pumped in the comfort of your own home.

Get your cardio on

Cardio is the easiest way to start your home fitness regimen. Think about it, there are tons of ways that you can get your heart rate up in or around your home. Try running up and down the stairs or use the commercial breaks during your favourite TV show to get up and do some jumping jacks. Of course, abdominal workouts can easily be done on any floor with absolutely no equipment.

Ready to run and don’t have a treadmill? Get out, run, explore your neighbourhood and challenge yourself by training for your first 5K. *Pro Tip: We recommend investing in Nike Plus. With this easy to use program your iPod or iPhone wirelessly sends workout data to so after your run you can track your progress and analyze your performance.

Create your own home gym

Transform your basement or spare room into your very own personalized gym. A variety of affordable at home workout equipment can be found everywhere from Sporting Life to Walmart to Shoppers Drug Mart. *Pro Tip: We recommend investing in the Perfect Fitness Multi-Gym. This affordable workout accessory (developed by former US Navy SEAL Alden Mills) enables you to use your own body weight to do pull-ups, chin-ups and sit-ups all in the comfort of your own home.


Yoga is a great way to tone up and there is no need to purchase an expensive class package. Simply set aside a small space in your home dedicated to your practice, purchase a yoga sticky mat and you’re set to go. Do a quick search on YouTube or pick up one of the numerous yoga DVDs on the market to guide you step by step. *Pro Tip: Make sure you check out AmongMen’s bi-weekly Jock Yoga tutorials with Canadian fitness expert Michael DeCorte.

Weight Training

Every guy should have a couple free-weight barbeels and dumbbells kicking around the house, and if not… don’t worry they are relatively inexpensive. If you don’t feel like spending cash on free-weights, just look inside the pantry. Grab a couple soup cans for simple arm curls or pick up anything lying around the house with a little bit of weight. Try using milk jugs, laundry detergent containers or water jugs to pump iron or hold onto while you’re doing squats and lunges.

Tags: workouts

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