How To Embrace Your New Fall Schedule And Come Out Feeling Stress-Free - AmongMen

How To Embrace Your New Fall Schedule And Come Out Feeling Stress-Free

Feeling overwhelmed as you wave goodbye to summer and amp up work, school, kids, activities and everything else that’s synonymous with September? Totally normal. And yet, oh-so not fun, especially since stress likes to manifest itself on your body from head to toe. “Becoming overwhelmed is a gradual state, from over commitment to just plain spreading yourself too thin,” explains Dr. Alok Trivedi, a psychological performance coach and the founder of the Aligned Performance Institute. “Yet it can directly impact everything in your life.” Luckily, there are a few peaceful solutions for that.

Breathe deeply
Remember when you were a kid and your parents told you to count to ten before speaking when you were feeling frustrated or mad? According to Dr. Trivedi, the same technique works wonders on adults. He recommends, closing your eyes and breathing deeply. “The key is to breathe in through the diaphragm (stomach area) and slowly out through the mouth,” he says. “Something this simple allows you to calm yourself from the spiral of negativity, and get back to a more balanced state of mind.”
AmongMen recommends: Rolling Aveda Stress-Fix Concentrate on your temples and on your palms and inhaling it’s calming lavender and clary sage blend ($31, available online at

Walk away
It easy to let work projects and time commitments erode our level of happiness. So on those days, when life feels like its taking more than its giving back, don’t be afraid to step away for a little while. “A little distance allows you to clear your mind and see the big picture with more clarity,” says Trivedi. “Revisiting the situation lets you determine if the stress of it all is worth the outcome.”
AmongMen recommends: Stepping away and into the Four Seasons Spa for a restorative and tension-relieving Bamboo Massage ($200 for 60 minutes).

Create balance
We know, we know, wanting to create work/life balance has almost become cliché and yet…it’s super important for your mental and physical health. “To best cope with stressful situations you must have a handle of your physical, emotional and mental health,” adds Dr. Trivedi. ”If one of these is thrown off balance, you need to bring it into alignment in order to avoid a negative outcome for your health and anxiety levels.” If you’re like the rest of us and want to but don’t have the luxury of me-time to escape to a yoga ashram in India, aim to carve at least 10 minutes a day that’s just for you.
AmongMen recommends: Taking five, while diffusing Saje Natural Wellness Yoga Grounding Diffuser Blend of patchouli, orange and neroli essential oils ($21.95, available online at

Tags: Aveda, Saje, stress, stress relief

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