By Adriana Ermter
Chances are, you’ve heard about lymphatic drainage massage and yes, the name sounds a bit gross, like something you want to stay far, far away from. Truth is though, the very specific massage type is beneficial and can actually help make you look younger. Yes, younger.
Designed to stimulate the lymphatic system, which helps flush out toxins, reduce swelling and improve circulation, the easy-to-DIY massage encourages the lymph nodes, located on the sides of your neck, along your jawline and beneath your eyes, to work better and eliminate the build-up of fluid within them to reduce puffiness and improve your skin tone. Here’s what the experts at Featuring You Spa in Toronto have to say.
How to
While you can always head to the spa and ask for the treatment, doing a lymphatic massage on your own face and neck is easy and can be incorporated into your grooming routine. Start by washing your face and neck with a cleanser and patting it dry. Then, with clean hands or a gua sha tool, gently massage your face and neck in upward, outward motions. Focus on areas like your jawline, under the eyes and the sides of your neck, where lymph nodes are concentrated. “Always move toward the lymph nodes near your ears or collarbone to encourage drainage,” advise the experts at Featuring You Spa. Repeat for five to 10 minutes, two to three times a week or daily for maximum benefits.
Add a serum
When paired with a nourishing facial oil or serum, the massage boosts product absorption and leaves skin looking firmer and refreshed. This combination can help combat post-party puffiness and give your face a youthful edge.
Reap the benefits
Firstly, because regular lymphatic drainage reduces puffiness and swelling, it helps remove excess fluid and waste from the body. “This results in a smoother, more defined facial contour,” explain the experts at Featuring You Spa. It also promotes circulation since the massage movements stimulate blood circulation, which can improve oxygen and nutrient flow to your skin. “This gives your skin a healthy glow and can improve skin tone and texture over time,” add the experts at Featuring You Spa. Additionally, this detox process can help prevent breakouts and improve skin clarity, while minimizing fine lines and wrinkles because the enhanced circulation promotes collagen production and skin cell renewal, supporting skin elasticity and firmness. Plus, what you may not see but will feel is a release of stress and tension too, which, say the experts at Featuring You Spa, “plays a role in the immune response. By improving lymph flow, facial lymphatic drainage massage can help strengthen the immune system and promote overall health.”